We analyze the formation of Rb2 molecules with short photoassociation pulses applied to a cold 85 Rb sample. A pump laser pulse couples a continuum level of the ground electronic state X 1 Σ + g with bound levels in the 0 + u (5S+5P 1/2 ) and 0 + u (5S+5P 3/2 ) vibrational series. The nonadiabatic coupling between the two excited channels induces time-dependent beatings in the populations. We propose to take advantage of these oscillations to design further laser pulses that probe the photoassociation process via photoionization or that optimize the stabilization in deep levels of the ground state.PACS numbers: 32.80. Qk, 33.80.Ps, 34.50.Rk Making ultracold molecules in the lowest vibrational level v = 0 of the ground electronic state and creating stable molecular condensates is presently an important challenge since it opens the road toward ultracold chemistry [1,2]. Schemes based on photoassociation (PA) of ultracold atoms [3] with cw lasers, have been very successful to form molecules in an excited electronic state. The latter have been stabilized into excited vibrational levels of the ground electronic state [4,5], but not yet into v = 0 except for the case of RbCs [6]. The possibility of controlling PA by use of short laser pulses has been discussed in theoretical papers [7,8,9, 10] and very recently attempted by two experimental groups [11,12], both in the rubidium case. Success in such experiments will create a bridge between the two domains of cold matter and coherent control, where femtosecond (fs) pulses are used to control chemical reactions [13]. Unfortunately, up to now, PA experiments with fs laser pulses have achieved destruction of the molecules already existing in the trap rather than creation of additional molecules [11,12].Finding ways to avoid this destructive effect is therefore a crucial step in the development of experiments. A promising route is PA through the resonant coupling mechanism as realized, with cw lasers, in Cs 2 [14] and RbCs [15]. For the case of Rb 2 , it populates the 0 + u (5S+5P 1/2 ) and 0 + u (5S+5P 3/2 ) coupled series. This is a textbook example of global mixing of two molecular vibrational series due to spin-orbit (SO) coupling and manifested by strong perturbations in the Rb 2 0 + u fluorescence and cw photoassociation spectra (cf. Refs. [16,17]). The aim of the present paper is to draw attention to the coherent character of the time evolution in the coupled excited states after the PA pulse, and to the possibility or taking advantage of the subsequent dynamical interferences to optimize stabilization and avoid the destruction of the molecules. We consider a simple model with pulses in the picosecond range which populate a limited number of bound vibrational levels, and we analyze characteristic time-dependent oscillations that should appear in experimental signals.Time-dependent fluorescence signals manifesting the coupling between deeply bound levels of the two series have been previously observed by pump-probe spectroscopy [18]. In this experiment, a molecular...