Chenopodium rubrum cells were grown in suspension as a photoautotrophic culture with a 16 hour day. Cell growth had three phases: a 3-day lig, a 3-week logarithmic phase, and a 10-day stationry phase.Chlorophyll content increased steadily during log phase and reached a level of 0.5 to 0.6 mg Chi g7' fresh weight. Soluble protein of the cells increased more rapidly from day 4 to day 12 than during midlog phase. Initially, ammonium was taken up in preference to nitrate. However, during the second two weeks of growth, ammonium and nitrate were taken up simultaneousir, this period of growth was the time of highest rates of N uptake by the cultured cells. Glutamin synthetase had a high specific activity (17 jmolehour-' mg-' protein) in day I cells, and this level was sustained until midlog phase when it increased by 20%. Methyl viologen-dependent glutamate synthase specific activity inceased rapidly in lag phase cells (day 4 = 10 jumol*hour' mg-' protein), but decreased by day 9 to about 50% ofthe peak and remained constant. NADH:nitrate reductase specific activity incrased rapidly in lag phase cells and reached a plateau that lasted from day 4 to 14 (1 jumol*hour' mg7' protein).Methyl viologen-dependent nitrite reductase specific activity was high when assayed on day 5 and inreased to a maximum on day 15 to 16 (12 pmol-hour-' mg7' protein). NADPH-and (24, 6-12, 21, 26, 29, 30). We have pursued the photoautotrophic growth of C. rubrum cells in suspension cultures and studied the N assimilation by these cells.
MATERIALS AND METHODSCell Culture. The C. rubrum L. cell culture was a gift of Husemann and Barz, and the cells were grown photoautotrophically in suspension as they have described (9). A sample of 0.2 g fresh weight (8 mg dry weight) of 3-week-old cells was inoculated into 30 ml of a modified Murashige and Skoog medium (16). In order to provide a 1% CO, environment in the sealed sterile flask, the cells were cultured in a two-tier flask with the cells in the upper tier and a K2CO3/KHCO3 mixture in the lower tier (9). The flasks were shaken at 120 rpm with a light period of 16 h and 28C at 10,000 lux, and dark period of 8 h and 25C. The medium contained 39.4 mm NO3-, 20.6 mm NH4+, and 1 ;tM MoO4r-with 0