has proposed a staggered band alignment involving electron transfer from rutile to anatase (Figure 1 (b)), in agreement with reported electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) data. [ 3 ] To the best of our knowledge, no evidence of the rutile-to-anatase electron transfer has been presented based on standard photocatalytic tests.In this work, synthesis of bilayer anatase/ rutile (A/R) fi lms with effective interface contact was achieved using atmosphericpressure chemical vapor deposition (APCVD). An inherent issue related to the deposition of an anatase layer on rutile using APCVD is that the latter acts as a template, effectively resulting in a single-phase rutile fi lm. This issue was bypassed here by intercalation of a TiO 2 -based layer at relatively low temperature, which essentially produced an amorphous (Am) substrate for the fi nal deposition of the anatase layer. The presence of this Am interlayer in the asdeposited A/Am/R multilayer fi lms and its thermally-induced crystallization, resulting in A/R fi lms, allowed evaluation of an effective interface contact on the photocatalytic activity of these materials during photodegradation of a model organic pollutant (stearic acid). In addition, the photodeposition of silver allowed direct evidence of a drastic increase in electron density on the anatase surface of A/R fi lms, which is consistent with the theoretical and experimental studies reported recently. [ 2,3 ]
Film Deposition and CharacterizationDetailed information on the synthesis of the multilayer fi lms is described in the experimental section. Due to temperature limitation of the CVD rig, a fi rst pure rutile layer was obtained after heat treatment (900 °C, 5 h) of an anatase fi lm deposited on quartz slides. A TiO 2 -based non-crystalline (Am) interlayer was then deposited at 300 °C and the subsequent anatase layer was deposited at 500 °C. A side-view scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image of a typical as-prepared A/Am/R fi lm is shown in Figure 2 (a). Each deposition step was monitored using Raman spectroscopy. The presence of the Am modifi cation was envisaged by signifi cant baseline intensity in the Raman spectrum of the Am/R system (Figure 3 (b)) compared to that of pure rutile (Figure 3 (a)). Further analysis of the Am layer as deposited on Layered anatase-rutile titania thin-fi lms were synthesized via atmosphericpressure chemical vapor deposition and characterized using X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy and electron microscopy. The interposition of an amorphous TiO 2 -based interlayer allowed direct vapor deposition of anatase on a rutile substrate, which is otherwise hindered by templating. This resourceful approach and the subsequent crystallization of the amorphous layer after annealing of the fi lms allowed investigation on the impact of an effi cient interface of the two anatase-rutile phases in the photodegradation of a model organic pollutant. Clear evidence is presented on the synergy between the two polymorphs and more importantly, on the charge fl ow across the interface, whi...