With ever increasing demand of carbon capture and utilization (CCU), conversion of CO 2 to fuel and fine chemicals by light mediated process has become a topic of outmost importance. Several catalytic systems have been developed to overcome the thermodynamic and kinetic barrier of conversion of abundant and sustainable carbon feed stock CO 2 to value added chemicals such as CO, HCOOH, CH 3 OH, carboxylic acids and others. Ni is often found in center of such catalytic systems for photo mediated conversion of CO 2 , giving good yield and selectivity. Reduction of CO 2 to CO is most common while discussing such catalytic systems encompassing Ni. But insertion of CO 2 into NiÀ H/NiÀ C bond leading to formic or other carboxylic acids has established its own importance in green chemistry. Formic acid is a prospective green fuel as well as it is an important starting material for many industries. Similarly carboxylic acids and derivatives are widely used in the manufacture of pharmaceutical, pesticide, dye, and other fine chemicals. Alternative green synthesis of these chemicals via photo-mediated nickel catalysis using CO 2 is highly desirable. Several energetically accessible oxidation states of nickel promote single electron transfer (SET) with help of chelating ligands, which are the key steps for this process to occur. This review will focus on photo assisted conversion of CO 2 to formic and other carboxylic acids by nickel catalysis with chelating ligand.