ion species are examined using computational methods
(DFT, MP2, coupled-cluster, and a composite method, CBS-APNO) with
a particular emphasis on nonaromatic species (i.e., those lacking
an aromatic or heteroaromatic ring in direct conjugation with the
formal nitrenium ion center.) The substitution of the N
center with alkyl, alkoxy, vinyl, acyl, and sulfonyl, among others,
was evaluated. For these species, three properties are considered.
(1) The stability of the nitrenium ions to unimolecular isomerizations
such as 1,2 alkyl or H shifts; to the extent that the singlet states
could be characterized as discrete minima on the potential energy
surface (PES), (2) the effect of the substituents on singlet–triplet
energy splitting as well as (3) the relative stabilities of the nitrenium
ions as defined by N-hydration enthalpies (RR′N
+ H
Nearly all simple alkyl and di-alkyl nitrenium ion singlet states
are predicted to rearrange without detectable barriers, largely through
1,2 H or alkyl shifts. Methyl and
-dimethylnitrenium ion singlet states could be characterized as formal
minima on the PES. However, these species show small or insignificant
barriers to isomerization. Disubstituted nitrenium ions that include
an alkyl group and a conjugating substituent such as alkoxyl, vinyl,
or phenyl show meaningful barriers to isomerization and are thus predicted
to possess nontrivial lifetimes in solution. Alkyl groups substantially
stabilize the singlet state relative to the situation in the parent
nitrenium ion NH
to the point where the two
states are nearly degenerate. Other groups that interact with the
nitrenium ion center decrease the Δ
in the order formoyl < vinyl < phenyl < alkoxy ∼
sulfonyl < cyclopropyl ∼ cyclobutyl. The latter two substituents
interact strongly with the (singlet) nitrenium ion center through
the formation of a nonclassical bonding reminiscent of the bisected
cyclopropylcarbinyl ion case for carbocations. When singlet-state
stability is evaluated in the context of N-hydration enthalpies, it
is found that the ordering is acyl < vinyl < alkoxyl < phenyl
< cyclopropyl and cyclobutyl.