The title compounds were found to undergo a [2+2] photocycloaddition with olefins at λ = 419 nm in CH 2 Cl 2 as the solvent. The resulting cyclobutanes were isolated in yields of 32-87% (11 examples) and showed a defined relative configuration at C1/C4 in the major diastereoisomer (nitro and aryl trans). The analysis of side products and triplet sensitization experiments support a mechanistic scenario in which a 1,4-diradical is formed as a key intermediate. cycloaddition, cyclobutanes, diastereoselectivity, nitro compounds, photochemistry, stereoselective synthesis, umpolung, visible light Although [2+2] photocycloaddition chemistry 1 originates historically 2 from experiments performed with visible light, the advent of artificial UV light sources led -starting in the middle of the 20 th century -to the almost exclusive use of short-wavelength (λ = 250-380 nm) irradiation in all areas of photochemistry. Interest in reactions that were promoted by long-wavelength (λ > 380 nm) irradiation was spurred in the 1970s and in the 1980s by the desire to find suitable energy storage systems mainly based on the [2+2] photocycloaddition of norbornadienes to quadricyclenes. 3 Aromatic carbonyl compounds 4 and transition-metal salts 5 were found to act as triplet sensitizers in this transformation allowing the reaction to occur with visible light. More recently, triplet energy sensitization has been employed for enantioselective 6 [2+2] photocycloaddition reactions that are promoted by visible light 7 in the presence of an appropriate sensitizer. 8 In the context of our work on the activation of chromophors by Lewis or Brønsted acids, 9 we became interested in the photochemistry of nitrostyrenes. 10 The compound class seemed amenable to un- (2a) to form cyclobutane 3a (Scheme 1). 14 A high-pressure mercury lamp was employed as the light source in this transformation. In more recent work, pyrex-filtered irradiation was used to study the reaction of nitrostyrenes with silyl enol ethers. 15,16 Inspection of the UV-Vis spectrum 17 of trans-β-nitrostyrene in CH 2 Cl 2 (Figure 1) reveals a strong absorption centered at λ = 312 nm (ε = 16500 M -1 cm -1 ). This band has been previously assigned to an allowed ππ*-transition with significant charge-transfer character. 18,19 At high concentration it is evident that the absorption continues into the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum in line with the fact that trans-β-nitrostyrene (1) is a yellow-colored solid.
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