New N M R data for a series of two 2,5-dihydrofurans and six phthalans designed to produce predictable steric effects are presented. Calculations performed in terms of finite perturbation theory (FPT) in the semi-empirical INDO (intermediate neglect of differential overlap) approximation of the self-consistent-field molecular orbital theory (SCF-MO) give results for long-range coupling constants across a dual path in agreement with all known data for 2,5-dihydrofurans and phthalans. In particular, the effect of varying degrees of ring puckering was considered. Correlations between the magnitudes of these long-range coupling constants and stereoelectronic variables established here should be of utility in the determination of molecular structure. I n a previous communication,2 we proposed a theoretical treatment for long-range coupling (J2.5) in system 1 (X = 0, N R , CRl), which accounted for all major experimentally observed trends and, in particular, for the inequality of J,,,,, (J2.5') and J,,, (J2.5) even in planar systems. Given the demonstrated sensitivity of both homoallylic coupling3 and coupling across four single to conformational factors, it was expected that long-range coupling in system 1, where both of these pathways are available, would vary R? R, Za, H H b. Ph H c, Me H e. Ph OMe f. t-Bu OMe d, t-Bu H 5 6 .'I., = f1.14 .J2., = -1.14 .Jj,-, = +3.60 J,, = +1.16 J?,4 = -0.91 .IL,.> = +0.21with the conformation of the five-membered ring. T o investigate the dependence of J2.5 and J2.5, in 1 on conformation, we decided to synthesize a number of derivatives of 2,5-dihydrofuran (1, X = 0) and phthalan 2 in which the average conformation of the five-membered ring was expected to vary because of steric factors and to compare the longrange coupling constants in these molecules with values calculated by the previously developed procedure2 for various degrees of distortion from planarity. The systems 1 (X = 0) and 2 were chosen because they were relatively easy to manipulate synthetically and because any structural correlations developed (particularly the relation between J 2 , 5 and J2.5' with cis/trans stereochemistry) would be useful in the determination of stereochemistry in a wide range of substances.At the time of commencement of this work, no information was available about the signs of the long-range coupling constants in 2,5-dihydrofuran derivatives, and accordingly we first investigated the N M R spectrum of methyl 2,5-dihydrof~roate~ (3) and established (see Experimental Section and Table I) that both cis and trans H2,H5 coupling constants in this compound were positive, as predicted by us previously.2 These signs were then assumed in the analysis of the N M R spectrum of 2,3-diphenyl-2,5-dihydrofuranlo (4) ( Table I).During the course of this work, three independent groups obtained the signs of analogous coupling constants and also found them to be positive. Jacobsen, Nielsen, and Schaumburg' I reported data for trans-and cis-2,5-diacetoxy-2,5-dihydrofuran ( 5 and 6 ) . Cole and GilsonI2 analyzed ...