In early research, the meta effect was based on one-electron, Hückel computations and experimental observation,
which revealed a selective transmission of electron density to the meta and ortho positions on an aromatic
ring in the first excited singlet. However, attention was focused on the meta site. More recent results have
confirmed electron density transmission to the ortho site as well. Typical examples involve benzylic cations.
Not only are the S1 cations selectively stabilized by meta-methoxy groups compared with para-methoxy
substituents but also the corresponding meta-substituted radicals prove of higher energy than the para-substituted
counterparts. Additionally, the S0 − S1 energy gap is dramatically smaller for the meta-substituted cations
and ion pairs compared with the gap for the para-substituted counterparts. Also, the radicals and radical
pairs exhibit much larger ground-state − excited-state energy separations. With a closer approach of surfaces,
the excited-state ion pairs have an avenue for radiationless decay to ground state not available to the radical
pairs. An ab initio computational search for conical intersections was carried out for the 3,5-dimethoxybenzyl
cation and radical. This revealed the presence of a degeneracy in the cation at a geometry only slightly
perturbed from that of the S1 minimum. A parallel computation on the 3,5-dimethoxybenzyl radical led to
the nearest approach of excited- and ground-state surfaces that was large in comparison and at a very high
energy point on the excited-state hypersurface. The geometries of the minimized excited-state species were
obtained and the reaction hypersurface found to provide an available route for facile decay of the meta ion
pairs to ground state.