. Can. J. Chem. 68, 2216 (1990).
Photolysis of ~~~~S -(~~-C~H~) M O ( C O )~L X(L = PPh3, PBu,; X = Br, I), at 12 K in 1,2-epoxyethylbenzene, results in CO loss. The product is formed as a specific isomer of (-r15-C5HS)~o(CO)LX, isomer 1. This isomer, upon warming, yields only r r a n s -( q 5 -C 5~5 )~o ( C 0 ) Introduction We wish to report the results of our study concerning the photochemistry of the complexes (r15-C5H5)Mo(C0)2LX (X = C1, Br, I, L = PPh3, PBu3). Previously, we investigated the low temperature photochemistry of the isoelectronic series of compounds (r15-C5Me5)~e(C0)2X2 (X = Me, C1, Br, I) (1). For this series of rhenium complexes we found that cis-trans isomerism was a result of dissociative loss of CO to generate a single intermediate, regardless of the starting isomer used, which reacted with free CO to produce a trans geometry in the product, reaction [I]. This was in agreement with reports of the room temperature solution studies which indicated the observation of only cis-trans isomerism for these Re complexes (2).