The Kv2.1 channel generates a delayed-rectifier current in neurons and is responsible for modulation of neuronal spike frequency and membrane repolarization in pancreatic -cells and cardiomyocytes. As with other tetrameric voltage-activated K ؉ -channels, it has been proposed that each of the four Kv2.1voltage-sensing domains activates independently upon depolarization, leading to a final concerted transition that causes channel opening. The mechanism by which voltage-sensor activation is coupled to the gating of the pore is still not understood. Here we show that the carbon-monoxide releasing molecule 2 (CORM-2) is an allosteric inhibitor of the Kv2.1 channel and that its inhibitory properties derive from the CORM-2 ability to largely reduce the voltage dependence of the opening transition, uncoupling voltage-sensor activation from the concerted opening transition. We additionally demonstrate that CORM-2 modulates Shaker K ؉ -channels in a similar manner. Our data suggest that the mechanism of inhibition by CORM-2 may be common to voltage-activated channels and that this compound should be a useful tool for understanding the mechanisms of electromechanical coupling.Voltage-gated potassium channel activation is achieved through extremely tight electromechanical coupling of the S1-S4 voltage-sensing domain (VSD) 3 with the pore domain, which is formed by the S5-S6 transmembrane segments (1-6). The mechanism by which this coupling occurs remains mostly unknown (7,8).Based on the high resolution structures of the Kv1.2 and the Kv2.1/Kv1.2 paddle chimera, it has been proposed that, in response to transmembrane voltage changes, S4 motion displaces the S4-S5 linker, which in turn contacts the C-terminal portion of the S6, the pore-lining segment that contains the activation gate (9, 10), and causes it to change conformation. Consistently, a great body of functional data indicates that both the S4-S5 linker and the C terminus of the S6 are essential for the coupling of the VSDs with the pore domain and that the interface between the VSD and the pore domain is also of importance (11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19).Some of the most detailed models explaining voltage-sensing and pore-gating have been developed for the Shaker K ϩ -channel (18, 20 -22). Albeit with some differences, most models and experimental data coincide in the sequential and independent activation of each of the four VSDs, which undergo transitions with high voltage dependence due to a large translocation of charge followed by one or more concerted transitions of all subunits, which lead to channel opening (18,20,22,23). Other Kv channels such as those from the Shab family, including Kv2.1 and Kv2.2, seem to share the main features of the gating mechanism found in Shaker (6, 24), although detailed models are currently lacking.In the course of experiments designed to explore the gas sensitivity of Kv2.1 channels, we discovered that the carbonmonoxide releasing molecule 2 (CORM-2) allosterically inhibits Kv2.1 and that this effect is independent of c...