DING. Can. J. Chem. 53,1103 (1975. Treatment of the bromohydroperoxides of 2-methyl-2-butene and ethylidenecyclohexane with cold methanolic base produces trimethyl-and 4-methyl-3,3-pentamethylene-1 ,2-dioxetane, 3 and 8. Under these conditions the bromo-and iodohydroperoxides of 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene A, 1,2-dimethylcyclohexene B, and AgJO-octalin C are converted rapidly to the corresponding allylic hydroperoxides. The reaction in methylene chloride between silver ion and the bromoand iodohydroperoxides of A and the iodohydroperoxides of B and C produces the corresponding dioxetanes in 20-30% yield: tetramethyl-1,Zdioxetane 11, 3,4-dimethyl-3,Cbutano-1,2-dioxetane 15, and 3,4:3,4-dibutano-1,2-dioxetane 23. About 50% of the corresponding allylic hydroperoxides also are formed as are pinacolone, -15%, l-acetyl-l-methylcyclopentane, ~2 0 % , and Ag.lO-octalin, -l%, from the appropriate halohydroperoxides.All the dioxetanes are yellow, thermolyze to give only carbonyl cleavage products, and are luminescent. Reduction of 3 with bisulfite ion produced trimethyloxacyclopropane and with iodide ion 2-methyl-2,3-butanediol. Reduction of 8,11,15, and 23 with lithium aluminum hydride at -78" gave good yields of the corresponding diols. Treatment with triphenylphosphine of 11 gave tetramethyloxacyclopropane, of 15, a 1 : 3 ratio of 2-methylene-1-methylcyclohexanol and 2,3-dimethylcyclohexen-3-01, and of 23, 10-hydroxy-A'~9-octalin.Activation parameters for thermolysis of the dioxetanes are (dioxetane, E,, kcal/mol, AS*, e.u.)3, 23.5 a 0.5, -5 f 2; 11, 25.8 f 0.5, -2 + 2; 15, 25.7 a 0.7, 2 f 2; 23, 22.7 f 0.9, -3 f 3. 3Holder of a Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation Fellowship, 1970 and a National Research Council of Canada Scholarship, 1971 4Holder of a National Research Council of Canada Scholarship, 1970Scholarship, -1973 Can. J. 53, 1975 20-30%: t6tramethyldioxetanne-1,2, 11, dimethyl-3,4 butano-3,4 dioxktanne-1,2, 15, et di-I butano-3,4:3,4 dioxetanne-1,2, 23. Dans ces reactions, il se forme environ 50% des hydroperoxydes allyliques correspondants et suivant les hydroperoxydes utilises de la pinacolone, 15% (approx), de I'acktyl-1 methyl-1 cyclopentane, 20% (approx), et de la A9*10-octaline, 1% (approx). Tous les dioxetannes sont des composks jaunes et luminescents, dont la thermolyse ne donne que les produits de fission carbonylique. La reduction de 3 avec le bisulphite donne le trim~thyloxacyclopropane alors que les ions iodures conduisent au methyl-2 butanediol-2,3. La reduction de 8,11,15 et 23 avec I'hydrure de lithium et aluminium ii -78" donne des bons rendements des diols correspondants. Le traitement de 11 avec de la triph6nylphosphine transforme 11 en t6tram6thyloxacyclopropane; 15 en methylene-2 methyl-1 cyclohexanol et en dimethyl-2,3 cyclohex8n-3-01 dans le rapport 1 : 3; et 23 en hydroxy-10 A1.9-octaline.Les parametres d'activation pour la thermolyse des dioxetannes sont (dioxktanne, E., kcal mol-l,AS* ~aldeg-~mol-');3,23.5 + 0.5, -5 + 2;11,25.8 + 0.5, -2 + 2;15,25.7 + 0.7, 2 + 2; 23, 22.7 + 0.9...