We recently demonstrated that diaryl-naphthopyran photochromic dyes are efficient for sensitization of TiO2 mesoporous electrodes, thus allowing the fabrication of photo-chromovoltaic cells that can self-adapt their absorption of light and their generation of electricity with the light intensity. Herein we report the synthesis, the characterisation of two novel photochromic dyes based on diaryl-naphthopyran core i.e NPI-ThPh and NPI-FuPh for use in Dye Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSCs). Compared to our reference dye NPI, the molecules only vary by the nature of the spacer, a thiophene or a furan, connecting the photochromic unit and the phenyl-cyano-acrylic acid moiety used as the anchoring function. We found that swapping a phenyl for a thiophene or a furan leads to an improvement of the absorption properties of the molecules both in solution and after grafting on TiO2 electrodes, however their photochromic process becomes not fully reversible. Despite better absorption in the visible range, the new dyes show poorer photochromic and photovoltaic properties in devices compared to NPI.Thanks to UV-Vis spectroscopy, DFT calculation, electrical characterization of the cells, and impedance spectroscopy, we unravel the factors limiting their performances. Our study Received: ((will be filled in by the editorial staff))Revised: ((will be filled in by the editorial staff)) Published online: ((will be filled in by the editorial staff))The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request and in the supporting information.