“…While photochromic spiroindolinobenzopyrans have been extensively studied (Tyer & Becker, 1970a,b;Aldoshin, Atovmyan, D'yachenko & Gal'bershtam, 1981;Aldoshin & Atovmyan, 1984Aldoshin, Atovmyan & Kozina, 1986, 1987a only a few spectral and structural studies (Chu, 1983;Clegg, Norman, Lasch & Kwak, 1987;Clegg, Norman, Flood, Sallans, Kwak, Kwiatkowski & Lasch, 1991) have been reported for spiroindolinobenzoxazines. Spirooxazines are useful compounds because they show greater durability than spiropyrans on repeated photochromic reactions.…”