We study the microwave-induced photoconductivity of a two-dimensional electron system (2DES) in the presence of a magnetic field and a two-dimensional modulation. The microwave and Landau contributions are exactly taken into account, while the periodic potential is treated perturbatively. The longitudinal resistivity exhibits oscillations, periodic in ω/ωc. Negative resistance states (NRS) develop for sufficiently high electron mobility and microwave power. This phenomenon appears in a narrow window region of values of the lattice parameter (a), around a ∼ lB, where lB is the magnetic length. It is proposed that these phenomena may be observed in artificially fabricated arrays of periodic scatterers at the interface of ultraclean heterostructures.Novel strong magnetoresistance oscillations with the appearence of zero resistance states (ZRS) were recently discover [1, 2], when ultraclean GaAs/Al x Ga 1−x As samples were subjected to microwave irradiation and moderate magnetic fields. It is believed that the ZRS are probably originated from the evolution of negative resistance states (NRS) [3]. Nowadays two distinct mechanisms that produce negative longitudinal resistance are known: (i) the impurity scattering mechanism [4,5] and (ii) the inversion population mechanism [6]. Although the experiments described above do not include the effect of periodical potential modulations, exploring its physical consequences is worthwhile, see the references [7,8] and [9]. In this work we make a theoretical study of the microwave photoconductivity of a 2DES in the presence of a magnetic field and a two-dimensional modulation.Consider the motion of an electron in two dimensions subject to a uniform magnetic field B perpendicular to the plane, a periodic potential V and driven by microwave radiation. The dynamics is governed by the Schrödinger equationhere H {B,ω} is the Landau Hamiltonian coupled to the radiation via the covariant derivative: Π = p + eA, . We shall assume: (i) a weak modulation |V | hω c and (ii) the clean limit ω τ tr ∼ ω c τ tr >> 1; here τ tr is the transport relaxation time that is estimated using its relation to the electron mobility µ = eτ tr /m * . Based on these conditions it is justified to consider the exact solution of the microwave driven Landau problem and treat the periodic potential effects perturbatively.