In this article we report a method for in situ electrical characterization of dielectric thin films under direct exposure to plasma in an electron-cyclotron-resonance etcher. This method is based on the development of a special test structure that allows for the measurement of the influence of plasma vacuum-ultraviolet ͑VUV͒ radiation on the electrical conductivity of thin dielectric layers. Results show that the measured conductivity of SiO 2 layers temporarily increases during exposure to argon and oxygen plasmas, with controlled VUV emission. Based on the measurements made through this method, a model of the VUV-induced conductivity of SiO 2 is developed. These measurements are very important for plasma processing of semiconductor devices, because the temporary increase in the conductivity of these layers upon exposure to processing plasmas can decrease the plasma-induced charging of these dielectric layers depending on the intensity of the plasma VUV emission. This can have an impact on the properties and reliability of processed devices.