The extractable activity of sucrose phosphate synthase was determined in etiolated seedlings of maize (Zea mays L.), soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.), and sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) following treatments of changing light quality. A 30-minute illumination of 30 microeinsteins per square meter per second white light produced a three-fold increase in sucrose phosphate synthase activity at 2 hours postillumination when compared to seedlings maintained in total darkness. Etiolated maize seedlings treated with 3.6 microeinsteins per square meter per second of red and far-red light showed a 50% increase and a 50% decrease in sucrose phosphate synthase activity, respectively, when compared to etiolated maize seedlings treated with white light. Maize seedlings exposed for 30 minutes to red followed by 30 minutes to far-red showed an initial increase in sucrose phosphate synthase activity followed by a rapid decrease to control level. Neither soybean or sugar beet sucrose phosphate synthase responded to the 30-minute illumination of white light. Phytochrome is involved in sucrose phosphate synthase regulation in maize, whereas it is not responsible for changes in sucrose phosphate synthase activity in soybean or sugar beet.Sucrose-P synthase appears to be a major control point in sucrose formation during photoassimilation of CO2 (10). Sucrose synthesis is apparently the only physiological function ofsucrose-P synthase, with the equilibrium constant for sucrose synthesis about 2 (1). This makes sucrose-P synthase a focal point for studying regulation of sucrose metabolism and partitioning.Vidal and Gadal (18) and Vidal et al. (19) found that two isoforms of PEPC' were present in etiolated leaves of sorghum. One form, found in the eitolated leaves, was designated E-PEPC. The other form found in greening leaves was designated G-PERPC and occurred only after etiolated leaves were exposed to light. Later, Thomas et al. (16) showed that the activity of G-PEPC was sensitive to red and far-red treatments. A 10-min exposure to red stimulated G-PEPC, whereas far-red (either alone or following a red treatment) caused a substantial inhibition of the G-PEPC isoform. They concluded from these experiments that phytochrome was the photoreceptor triggering changes in enzyme activity.The present study was designed to examine the role of light ' Abbreviations: PEPC, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase; G6P, glucose 6-phosphate; UDPG, uridine 5'-diphosphoglucose; PPFD, photosynthetic photon flux density. quality on the extractable activity of sucrose-P synthase in maize, soybean, and sugar beets. This was done using 10-day-old seedlings of each species grown in total darkness and illuminating them with white light, red, far-red, or red followed by far red.
MATERIALS AND METHODSPlant Materials. Maize (Zea mays L., cv FS854), soybean (Glycine max. [L.] Merr., cv Pioneer 1082), and sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L., cv Great Western multigerm hybrid) seeds were germinated in darkness then planted in 7 cm x 7 cm plastic pots containing ver...