In chlorophyll-containin spores of Onoclea sensibdis, depletion of Upid reserves during germination is correlated with increases in the activity of the glyoxylate cycle enzymes isocitrate lyase and malate synthase. In Onocka, the heterotrophic activity associated with Upid catabolism occurs at the same time that autotrophic activity is taking place. Increases in chlorophyll content and in the activity of glycolate oxidase were recorded during the earliest stages of spore germination. In this species, there is no temporal separation of heterotrophic and autotrophic reactions. Concurrent increases in glyoxylate and glycolate cycle activities appear to occur naturally.Considerable information is available concerning the biochemistry of seed germination (2, 9), but comparable information is lacking for fern spore germination. Recent evidence from this laboratory indicated that glyoxylate cycle enzymes were active during germination of spores of the fern Dryopterisfilix-mas (7).In this species, there was a direct correlation between increases in activity of both isocitrate lysase and malate synthase and the hydrolysis of lipid reserves. As the spore coat ruptured and the photosynthetic prothallus developed, activity of glyoxylate enzymes ceased and an increase in activity ofglycolate cycle enzymes was noted (A. E. DeMaggio, unpublished data). The shift from glyoxylate to glycolate metabolism is similar to that occurring during the germination of cucurbit seeds and is characterized by the successive participation of the two unique sets of enzymes (3,24). The transition from a heterotrophic to an autotrophic pattern of development would appear to be similar in fatty seeds and spores.There are, however, species offerns that produce Chl-containing spores and, for these, a different nutritional pattern characterizes germination. Unlike non-green spores, these contain relatively plasts indicate that the spores are metabolically distinct from seeds and non-green spores. In this report we present evidence that enzymes of both glyoxylate and glycolate pathways function during spore germination in the light and exhibit simultaneous increases in activity. From these findings, it is suggested that heterotrophic and autotrophic reactions are not temporally separated during germination of Onoclea spores but occur concurrently.MATERIALS AND METHODS 0. sensibilis sporophylls were collected in Hanover, NH, during the spring, 1978. Spores were shaken from air-dried sporophylls and sporangia, sifted through lens paper, and refrigerated at 5 C until used. Spores (100 mg) were shaken in H20, to which a drop of Aerosol O.T. (Fisher Scientific Co., Fairlawn, NJ) had been added, and spread on wet filter paper in a Petri dish to germinate. Dishes were maintained in a room at 25 C and exposed daily to a 12-h light period of 250 ft-c provided by a combination of incandescent and fluorescent lamps. Ungerminated spores and spores germinated for specific lengths of time were collected, blotted between filter paper, and weighed and aliquot...