ABSTRACT:Microgel and macrogel formation during the photodimerization of cinnamoyl groups in polymer chains has been investigated through analysis of intramolecular crosslinks using spectrophotometric and light scattering measurements. The form of gels depended particularly on the amount of cinnamoyloxyethyl methacrylate (CEMA) in copoly (CEMNMMA). For CEMA = 12 mo!% copolymer, micro gels were formed in the early stage of reaction, and finally homogeneous macrogels in appearance were formed. The resulting microgel for CEMA = 26 mo!% copolymer was composed of networks having the number of intramolecular crosslinked cinnamoyl groups, n'"'" = 1870 in 3400 units of cinnamoyl groups per polymer chain. At the onset of gelation, the volume of polymer coils due to intramolecular crosslinks became 1/350-1/10 the volume of the corresponding linear polymer of the same molecular weight. The extent of intra-and intermolecular crosslinks and contraction of polymer coils due to intramolecular crosslinks were estimated in the process of gel formation.KEY WORDS Microgel / Macrogel / Intramolecular Crosslink / Photocrosslinking / Photodimerization / Cinnamoyl Group / Contraction of Polymer Coil / Light Scattering / Onset of Gelation / The formation of a three-dimensional network of polymer molecules has been investigated by many authors. 1 -io When polymer molecules are crosslinked in solution, either during polymerization or by polymer reactions, both intra-and intermolecular crosslinks can be formed. In the radical copolymerization of styrene and divinylbenzene in solution, the extent of competition between intra-and intermolecular crosslinking and intramolecular cyclization between adjacent units has been discussed. 2 · 3 • 5 White et al. 2 have reportd that the probability of intramolecular cyclization is rather high, whereby the number of elastically effective network chains is reduced. Horie et al. 3 have also revealed three kinds of modes for crosslinking from an experimental study on the crosslinked copolymerization of methylmethacrylate (MMA) with ethylene dimethacrylate (EDMA) in bulk and in toluene. It had been shown that crosslinked copolymerization depends on the initial composition of monomers and concentration in toluene, and intramolecular crosslinking between nonadjacent units and the formation of microgels are important characteristics for copolymerization with higher divinyl contents. Matsumoto et al. 4 • 9 have examined the gelation for the polymerization of diallyl esters of aromatic dicarboxylic acids and discussed the results according to Gordon's theory. 1 They concluded that the intramolecular chain transfer reaction plays an important role during polymerization. The gel formation due to photogenerPolym.