An efficientm ethod for the construction of cyclopropane-fused dihydroquinolines was established by an ovel Povarov-type three-component reaction of aromatic aldehydes,a nilines and cyclopropenesi nt he presence of trifluoromethanesulfonic acid. Ther eactionp roceeded in ar egioselective and diastereoselective manner. Furthermore,t he dihy-droquinolines were smoothly converted to benzazepine derivatives via ar ing opening/isomerization sequence,furtherexpanding the synthetic scope.
Results and DiscussionInitially,t he cycloaddition reactiono fb enzaldehyde (4a), aniline (5a), and cyclopropene (6a)w as chosen as the model reaction( Table1). Because of the adverse effect of water, the reactionw as carriedo ut in