An in vacuo, shallow Zn diffusion technique has been examined for increasing the effective Schottky barrier height of Ag and Au on (100) n-InP. For a single diffusion cycle, a barrier enhancement of -0.1 eV was achieved by forming a shallow (-400]t) p § layer with an acceptor-to-bulk-donor ratio NA/ND ~ 10. A multiple diffusion sequence yielded barrier enhancements of -0.2 eV for a p* layer width of -800]~ and NA/ND ~ 6-8. Numerical evaluation of Poisson's equation, including both electron and hole free-carrier densities, provides estimates of where the depletion approximation fails as a function of doping and width of the surface p* layer.) unless CC License in place (see abstract). address. Redistribution subject to ECS terms of use (see Downloaded on 2015-06-26 to IP