This report was prepared as an iccount of work sponsored by the United Stale, Government. Neither ihe United Statee nor the United States Atomic Eneriy Commission. nor any or their employee,, nor any of their contractors subcontractora, or their err.ployeea, make, any warraniy. express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility Toi the accuracy, com pleteness or usefulness or anv information, apparatus, product or process disclosed, or represents that ila usr would not infringe privately owned rights.JUAST discriminator which has a time walk less than ±35 psec over a range of input-pulse amplitudes from 3SmV to 8V. The optimum operating conditions of the photomultipliers have been determined for minimum time spread and relative collec tion efficiency. The error of the time spread measurements, because of the finite width of the light pulse, is discussed and determined for different pulse widths.