In this report we examine the steady-state optical absorption,
steady state and transient vibrational structure, and
ligand rebinding kinetics of (CO)FeII protoporphyrin
IX ((CO)FeIIPPIX) in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO).
state optical absorption and resonance Raman spectra of this complex
are characteristic of heme iron that is
six-coordinate and low-spin. Absorption maxima are observed at 415
nm (Soret), 568 nm (α-band), and 535 nm
(β-band), and vibrational bands are observed at 1370
cm-1 (ν4), 1496
cm-1 (ν3), 1551
cm-1 (ν38), 1584
(ν2), and 1626 cm-1
C). The transient
absorption difference spectrum subsequent to photolysis displays
absorption maximum at 433 nm and a minimum at 414 nm that decays
biphasically with pseudo-first-order rate
constants of (2.11 ± 0.024) × 106
s-1 and (2.29 ± 0.036) × 102
s-1. The corresponding transient
Raman spectrum displays vibrational bands at 1356
cm-1 (ν4), 1470
cm-1 (ν3), 1559
cm-1 (ν2), 1584
cm-1 (ν37),
and 1618 cm-1
C). These results are
consistent with the formation of a five-coordinate and high-spin
species that is identical to the photolytic transient observed upon
photolysis of the (DMSO)2FeIIPPIX
(i.e., (DMSO)FeIIPPIX). The decay of this
transient species is consistent with the binding of a DMSO to
five-coordinate heme iron followed by substitution of a bound DMSO with