The H͑D͒ Rydberg atom photofragment translational spectroscopy technique has been applied to a further detailed investigation of the photodissociation dynamics of NH 3 and ND 3 molecules following excitation to the lowest two ͑v 2 ϭ0 and 1͒ vibrational levels of the first excited (à 1 A 2 Љ) singlet electronic state. Analysis of the respective total kinetic energy release spectra, recorded at a number of scattering angles ⌰ ͓where ⌰ is the angle between the ⑀ vector of the photolysis photon and the time-of-flight ͑TOF͒ axis͔, enables quantification of a striking, quantum state dependent, -v correlation in the NH 2 ͑ND 2 ͒ products. The spatial distribution of the total flux of H͑D͒ atom photofragments is rather isotropic ͑ lab ϳ0͒. However, more careful analysis of the way in which the TOF spectra of the H͑D͒ atom photofragments vary with ⌰ reveals that each HϩNH 2 ͑DϩND 2 ͒ product channel has a different ''partial'' anisotropy parameter,  lab ͑v 2 ,N͒, associated with it: The H͑D͒ atom ejected by those molecules that dissociate to yield NH 2 ͑ND 2 ͒ fragments with little rotational excitation largely appear in the plane of the excited molecule ͑i.e., perpendicular to the transition moment and the C 3 axis of the parent, with  tending towards Ϫ1͒. Conversely, the H͑D͒ atoms formed in association with the most highly rotationally excited partner NH 2 ͑ND 2 ͒ fragments tend to recoil almost parallel to this C 3 axis ͑i.e., →ϩ2͒. Such behavior is rationalized in the context of the known potential energy surfaces of the à and X states of ammonia using a classical, energy and angular momentum conserving impact parameter model in which we assume that all of the product angular momentum is established at the ''point'' of the conical intersection in the H-NH 2 ͑D-ND 2 ͒ dissociation coordinate. We conclude by reemphasizing the level of care needed in interpreting experimentally measured  parameters in situations where there is averaging over either the initial ͑parent͒ or final ͑product͒ quantum states.