We demonstrate a simple technique for molecular ion spectroscopy. BaCl + molecular ions are trapped in a linear Paul trap in the presence of a room-temperature He buffer gas and photodissociated by driving an electronic transition from the ground X 1 Σ + state to the repulsive wall of the A 1 Π state. The photodissociation spectrum is recorded by monitoring the induced trap loss of BaCl + ions as a function of excitation wavelength. Accurate molecular potentials and spectroscopic constants are determined. Comparison of the theoretical photodissociation cross-sections with the measurement shows excellent agreement. This study represents the first spectroscopic data for BaCl + and an important step towards the production of ultracold ground-state molecular ions. [5]. In pursuit of these goals, several groups have recently initiated work [6-9] to realize samples of cold, absolute ground-state molecular ions. In fact, Refs. [7][8][9] have already reported the demonstration of species-specific cooling methods to produce molecular ions in the lowest few rotational states.While these molecular ion cooling efforts, which include ultracold atom sympathetic cooling [6], rovibrational optical pumping [7,8], and state-selective ionization [9], are diverse in approach, they share the common need for detailed spectroscopic understanding of diatomic ions. However, compared to that of neutral molecules, spectroscopic data for molecular ions is scarce. This can be attributed to the typically short lifetimes of molecular ions due to fast ion-molecule reactions [10]. A systematic review of the available spectroscopic data for simple diatomic ions was carried out by Berkowitz and Groeneveld [11] in 1983. In recent years, interest has shifted towards large molecular ions, atomic and molecular clusters, and multiply charged ions [12]. Thus, for ultracold molecular ion research to realize its full potential, a new effort in small molecular ion spectroscopy is required.Here, we report the use of a simple and general technique to record the first spectroscopic data for BaCl + -the molecular ion we have proposed to cool in Ref. As an ionically-bonded molecule composed of two closedshell atomic ions, Ba 2+ and Cl − , BaCl + exhibits reduced chemical reactivity compared to other ions and is energetically forbidden from undergoing 2-body chemical reactions with the ultracold calcium atoms used for sympathetic cooling [6]. Further, its large dipole moment and convenient rotational splitting are promising for cavity QED experiments [4]. Thus, these results are important not only as the demonstration of a technique for recording molecular ion spectroscopy, but also as an important first step towards the use and application of a generic, robust method for the production of cold ground-state molecular ions.Spectroscopic data is taken using a trap-depletion approach. BaCl + ions are trapped in a linear Paul trap in the presence of a room-temperature He buffer gas and photodissociated by driving an electronic transition from the ground X 1 Σ + st...