INTEGER COUNT c c CRACKX(27)-array of 27 crack tip global x locations c CRACKY(27)-array of 27 crack tip global y locations c CRACKB(27)-array of 27 crack tip global beta angles c CRACKAO (27)-array of 27 parameter AO c CRACKBO (27)-array of 27 parameter BO c CRACKA1(27)-array of 27 parameter A1 c CRAW14(27)-array of 27 sum of Fourth Root weighted residuals c XCL-crack tip x master location for a particular set of 27 c YCL-crack tip y master location for a particular set of 27 c BETAL-crack tip beta master angle for a particular set of 27 c DX-current tip +/-x variation, this set of 27 c DY-current tip +/-y variation, this set of 27 c DB-current tip +/-beta variation, this set of 27 c DXYMAX-maximum tip +/-x,y variation,user input c DBMAX-maximum tip +/-beta orientation,user input c DXYMIN-minimiam tip +/-x,y variation,user input c DBMIN-minimum tip +/-beta orientation,user input c XMAX-maximum + x location allowed, user input c XMIN-maximum-x location allowed, user input c YMAX-maximum + y location allowed, user input c YMIN-maximum-y location allowed, user input c BMAX-maximiim + beta orientation allowed, user input c BMIN-maximxim + beta orientation allowed, user input c COUNT-index used within the set of 27 c