High resistivity silicon is increasingly becoming one of the subjects of interest in optimizing the performance of MIS photodetectors as it offers better bias responses compared to low resistivity silicon. The incorporation of thin AlN as the tunnelling insulator in MIS structure utilizing high resistivity silicon has shown promising photocurrent to dark current ratios, suggesting potential integration of the structure. In this work, the MIS structure on high resistivity silicon with AlN tunnelling insulator is simulated and empirically modelled using previous experimental work. The effects of substrate resistivity and AlN thickness are then evaluated. Simulation work shows good agreement with the previous experimental work, except for the photocurrent characteristics in the inversion region, where the recorded values are 107 magnitude lower than the reported experimental values. The photocurrent characteristics for MIS structures on high resistivity silicon is recorded to be higher than the structures on low resistivity silicon. Meanwhile, both dark current and photocurrent increases with decreasing AlN thickness up until 1 nm. Lastly, no conclusive evidence from this simulation work to show any tunnelling behaviour in the inversion region for all cases.