For many years now it has become conventional ([E. Witten, Phys. Today 49 (1996) 24; D. Gross, Einstein and the quest for a unified theory, in Einstein for the 21st Century: His Legacy in Science, Art, and Modern Culture, eds. P. L. Galison, G. Holton and S. S. Schweber (Princeton University Press, 2008), pp. 287–297; N. Arkani-Hamed, Spacetime is doomed (2010)]) for theorists to argue that “spacetime is doomed”, with the difficulties in finding a quantum theory of gravity implying the necessity of basing a fundamental theory on something quite different than usual notions of spacetime geometry. But what is this spacetime geometry that is doomed? In this paper, we will explore how our understanding of 4-dimensional geometry has evolved since Einstein, leading to new ideas about such geometry which may not be doomed at all.