In Near Edge X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (NEXAFS) microscopy, excitations of core electrons into unoccupied molecular orbitals or electronic states provide sensitivity to a wide variety of chemical functionalities in molecules and solids. This sensitivity complements infrared (IR) spectroscopy, although the NEXAFS spectra are not quite as specific and “rich” as IR spectra. The sensitivity of NEXAFS to distinguish chemical bonds and electronic structures covers a wide variety of samples: from metals to inorganics and organics. (There is a tendency in the community to use the term NEXAFS for soft x-ray spectroscopy of organic materials, while for inorganic materials or at higher energies X-ray Absorption Near Edge Spectroscopy (XANES) is utilized, even though the fundamental physics is the same.) The sensitivity of NEXAFS is particularly high to distinguish saturated from unsaturated bonds. NEXAFS can also detect conjugation in a molecule, as well as chemical shifts due to heteroatoms.