A theoretical prediction on intermolecular monoelectron dihydrogen bond H e H in the cluster anion ( FH ) 2 {e}( HF ) 2The possibility of electron binding to the HPPH 3 and H 2 PPH 2 tautomers of diphosphine was studied at the coupled cluster level of theory with single, double, and noniterative triple excitations. The HPPH 3 tautomer, with a dipole moment of 3.7 D, binds an electron by 333 cm Ϫ1 , whereas the H 2 PPH 2 tautomer forms neither a dipole-nor valence-bound anionic state. It is suggested that the HPPH 3 tautomer, which is kinetically stable but thermodynamically unstable relative to H 2 PPH 2 , may be formed by photodetachment from the P 2 H 4 Ϫ species examined in this work. An unusual aspect of the (HPPH 3 ) Ϫ anion is that electron correlation contributes 82% to the electronic stability and effects beyond the fourth order of the Mo "ller-Plesset perturbation theory contribute 55%.