INTRODUCTION Modeling Photochemical ReactionsThe aim of this chapter is to provide an introduction to the practical computational investigation of photochemical reaction mechanisms. During the last decade or so, the speed of computers has grown considerably, and now the computational investigation of realistic models of organic compounds is becoming a standard practice. Current applications range from the investigation of the mechanism of synthetically useful reactions to the study of shortlived organic intermediates detected in the interstellar medium. For thermal reactions, standard state-of-the-art ab initio quantum chemical methods are already capable of providing a complete description of what happens at the Reviews in Computational Chemistry, Volume 15 87 88 A Computational Strategy for Organic Photochemistry molecular level during bond-breaking and bond-forming processes. In particular, it is possible to compute the transition structure that connects a reactant to a product and the associated energy barrier with almost chemical accuracy (ca. 1 kcal/mol error). Furthermore the reaction path (i.e., the progression of the molecular structure from the reactants toward the transition state and the product) can be determined, in a completely unbiased way, by computing the minimum energy path (MEP)1 connecting the reactant to the product on the (3N -6)-dimensional potential energy surface of the system.A detailed understanding of the reaction pathway in the excited state manifold will increase our ability to design new and to control known photochemical reactions. As an example, the conversion of light into chemical energy in plants and animals involves extended conjugated moleculescarotenoids and retinals-bound in protein complexes. The use of such extended systems in optical data storage and processing technology is now being investigated. Photobiological systems exploit the ability of these chromophores to undergo cis-trans isomerization and to transduce radiative energy into thermal energy on picosecond or shorter time scales. Recent advances in timeresolved spectroscopy2 (e.g., the use of ultrafast laser pulses) have provided a powerful tool to monitor reaction dynamics on the femtosecond time scale and have made direct observation of these processes possible, increasing our understanding of the excited state structures and dynamics for model systems. UItrafast (femtosecond) radiationless decay has been observed, for example, for simple dienes,3 cyclohexadienes,4~5 and hexatrienes,6 and in both free7 and opsin-bound8 retinal protonated Schiff bases. However, a complete understanding of molecular dynamics on multiple electronic states is required to interpret these laser experiments with confidence and to understand the principles involved in the design of optical devices.Until recently, reaction path computations were mainly limited to the investigation of thermal reactions and thus to reactions occurring on a single potential energy surface. Photochemical processes, where the reactant resides on an excited ...