The process of nuclear fission induced by nonlinear radiative coupling to atomic electrons is considered. For 248-nm radiation at an intensity of -10 21 W/cm 2 , highly relativistic currents are produced which can couple to the fission mode of nuclear decay. With irradiation for a time of -100 fs, the results indicate a fission probability of -10 ~5 for 2 $U nuclei located at the surface of a solid target, a value several orders of magnitude above the limit of detection. PACS numbers: 25.85.Ge, 32.80.Wr Nuclear fission can be induced by electromagnetic interactions involving either photons or charged particles if sufficient energy is communicated to the nucleus enabling the system to penetrate the fission barrier. Known examples of electromagnetically induced fission are photofission, 1,2 rr-^/,+/ 2 +V72, (1) electrofission, 3 e~+A-+ fi+f 2 + fn + e~,and muon-induced fission. 4 ' 5 It has also recently been proposed 6,7 that driven motions of atomic electrons arising from intense irradiation of atoms can couple energy to nuclear transitions occurring between bound nuclear states. This latter mechanism has some features in common with processes of nuclear excitation and deexcitation in which atomic electronic transitions play a role. 8 " 13 The present work examines the possibility of optically induced nuclear fission of heavy elements arising from coupling to driven motions of atomic electrons produced by intense external radiation. The fission process is a particularly favorable one for the demonstration of nuclear excitation. It (1) generally has a large nuclear matrix element, (2) is a broad channel permitting coupling to spectral power over a wide range, and (3) involves a very large energy release comprising distinctive emissions. It will be shown that very large instantaneous fission rates may be generated in a considerable range of nuclear materials. If this can be achieved, extremely bright and spatially localized high-flux pulsed sources of fission fragments, neutrons, and y radiation could be produced (e.g., > 10 24 fission fragments/cm 2 s).The acceleration of electrons to an energy sufficient to surpass the threshold of the fission reaction can be achieved in the focal region of an intense laser pulse. 14,15 The availability of an ultraviolet laser technology 16,17 capable of producing subpicosecond pulses with energies approaching the joule level in low-divergence beams at high repetition rates is making possible a regime of physical study concerning the behavior of matter at extremely high intensities 18,19 in the 10 20 -10 21 -W/cm 2 range. Since it can be shown 14,15 that intensities comparable to 5x 10 19 W/cm 2 at 248 nm will cause strongly relativistic motions to occur, the use of an intensity of =10 21 W/cm 2 would then generate relativistic electrons 14,15 with an energy sufficient (/-24) to produce electrofission by the collisional mechanism represented by reaction (2). We also note that the bremsstrahlung produced collaterally by the fast electrons in the target material can also participat...