A WE is developing a prototype active interrogation system to enable robust detection of shielded nuclear material within the context of border choke point detection. This paper describes a study which took place in order to determine the optimum type of radiation and pulse structure to be used with the prototype system. A wide variety of neutron and gamma interrogation sources were considered including the use of sub 10 MeV end-point energy bremsstrahlung or 19F(p,uyi60 characteristic gamma sources and the use of DD, DT, and lower energy beam-target neutron sources such as those produced via. 7 Li(p,n) 7 Be. In each case, where appropriate, both flash systems capable of delivering intense, sub 100 ns pulses of radiation and non-flash repetitively pulsed or continuous wave (CW) sources were considered. Experimental measurements of photo-fission signatures on bare and shielded depleted uranium produced by 100 ns flash sources of 8 MeV bremsstrahlung and 19F(p,uyi60 characteristic gamma sources together with a systematic series of simulations of photofission signatures and associated backgrounds and a review of technological limitations of relevant accelerator technologies were all assessed.An estimate derived from experimental measurements of a minimum number of fissions necessary to detect target quantities of special nuclear material through shielding thickness of interest in the context of border detection is used to determine a charge which must be delivered by the interrogation source and this in turn is used to rank potential interrogation source options.Wider arguments concerned with the ease with which fission signatures may be discriminated above active backgrounds and the utility of different options given operational constraints are then presented and it is concluded that the UK will recommend a flash «100 ns), 10 MeV end-point energy bremsstrahlung source for the UK active interrogation prototype system.