The development of the photosystem H units in relation to the heterogeneity of their photochemical centers was studied in etiolated bean leaves (PIaseolus valgaris var. red kidney) greened under continuous or btermittent lght. The study was done in order to see whether grana are the loc of the units with the efficient photosystem II activity (a units), while the stroma thylakoids are the loci of the units with the less efficient pbotosystemn II activity (1 units), as it has been proposed. In Chloroplasts from higher plants are known to possess a unique organization consisting of areas of packed thylakoid membranes (grana) and areas of thylakoid membranes of lesser density (stroma thylakoids). Such a differentiation should reflect some functional and content differences. From past reports (2,4,20,23), predomimant differences are the higher Chl b and complex II content and PSII activity of the grana in comparison to the stroma thylakoids.The fluorescence induction curve of isolated chloroplasts reflects the light-dependent transition from a weekly fluorescent condition when all photochemical centers are open, to a more strongly fluorescent state as those centers become closed. According to Duysens and Sweers hypothesis (11), the fluorescence rise is due to the photoreduction of the primary electron acceptor Q, a fluorescence quencher, to the nonquenching form Q-. For mature chloroplasts and in cation-containing media, the fluorescence induction is characterized by a sigmoidal type rise of fluorescence. The sigmoidal shape of the fluorescence induction has been attributed to the intersystem II unit-unit interaction when the PSII units are considered as statistical entities (statistical or lake model) (12,15). The area over the fluorescence induction curve has been shown to be proportional to the number of quanta utilized by the reaction center of system II for photochemical work (7,18,21). For DCMU-poisoned chloroplasts and green algae, the growth of this area was found to be biphasic. A first order kinetic analysis of the area growth has revealed that it occurred in two distinct linear phases, which suggested a functional differentiation in PSII (18,19). Of two kinetically distinguished types of PSII reactions, one was considerably less efficient in performing photochemistry than the other. It was concluded that there are two types of system II photochemical centers: the efficient centers, (ZP680 Q),,, and the relatively less efficient centers, (ZP680 Q),B. The differential effect of Mg2+ ions on the function of the two types of system II photochemical centers led to the hypothesis that the chloroplast grana are the loci of the efficient a centers, while the stroma thylakoids are the loci of the less efficient 8 centers (17).The formation of the photosynthetic apparatus can be observed after exposure of etiolated leaves to continuous or intermittent illumination. Under conditions of continuous illumination the etioplasts quickly show the characteristics of developed chloroplasts (1, 13,22). Intermittent ...