The dynamics of the photoinduced phase transition ͑PIPT͒ has been investigated for the Co-Fe cyanides film, Na 0.6 Co 1.3 ͓Fe͑CN͒ 6 ͔ •4H 2 O, by means of the transient absorption spectroscopy. At low temperatures ͑Շ150 K͒, the compound shows the permanent PIPT from the low-spin phase ͓LS phase: LS Co 3+ ͑t 2g↑ 3 t 2g↓ 3 ͒-LS Fe 2+ ͑t 2g↑ 3 t 2g↓ 3 ͔͒ to the high-spin phase ͓HS phase; HS Co 2+ ͑t 2g↑ 3 t 2g↓ 2 e g↑ 2 ͒-LS Fe 3+ ͑t 2g↑ 3 t 2g↓ 2 ͔͒. We have found that the film shows the transient PIPT into the HS phase above ϳ170 K, and the lifetime PI of the photoinduced phase exponentially decreased from 10 ms at 170 K to ϳ100 s at 260 K. In the early stage ͑⌬t ഛ 200 ns͒ of the PIPT, we further have observed a characteristic photoinduced absorption band ͑Y band͒ and ascribed the band to the LS Co 2+ ͑t 2g↑ 3 t 2g↓ 3 e g↑ 1 ͒ state.