We have developedametal-free process for the aerobic photooxygenation of sulfides to sulfoxides mediated by riboflavin tetraacetate or riboflavin (vitamin B 2 )p hotocatalysts andv isible light (450 nm) in an acetonitrile-water (85:15 v/v) mixture. Theo ptimised solvent systeml eads to both singletoxygena nd electron-transfer pathways in photooxygenation,t husa llowing oxidation of electron-poor and electron-rich thioanisoles,d ialkyl sulfidesa nd sterically hindereds ulfides.B esides having ab road substrate scope,t he method has very shortr eaction times and requiresl ow catalyst loading (downt o 0.1 mol%). These properties are due to the high photocatalyst stability and the extremely high quantum yields (1.3 for thioanisole oxygenation). Moreover, the method is chemoselective,p roducing only sulfox-ides without overoxidation to sulfones.T aking into account the broad substrate scope,h ighs electivity and high efficiency,t his method distinguishes itself from those previously reported. Other advantages include easy work-upo ft he reaction mixture,t he availability andb iodegradability of the photocatalysts and mild reactionc onditions.W ed emonstrated, on ap reparative scale,i ts practical applicationi nt he synthesiso ft he psychostimulant modafinil, in the selective oxidation of methionined erivatives,a nd in the detoxification of mustard gas.