. Can. J. Chem. 66, 1355Chem. 66, (1988.The conformations of several protonated enones have been determined by low temperature I3C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Information on the ground state conformation has been used to understand the differences in the photochemistry of these systems. Photoisomerizations of 4 and 5 have been examined. In the case of 4, irradiation leads only to the formation of the Z isomer 16; protonated dihydrofuran 13 was not observed. In the case of 5, both the Z isomer 17 and protonated dihydrofuran 14 were observed. The protonated dihydrofuran 14 was produced from the start of the reaction. It is concluded from these and previous results that for the photocyclization to occur the starting cation must exist in an s-cis conformation in the ground state. RONALD F. CHILDS, MAILVAGANAM MAHENDRAN, CHRISTOPHER BLACKBURN et GREGORY ANTONIADIS. Can. J. Chem. 66, 1355Chem. 66, (1988.Faisant appel 2 la resonance magnktique nuclkaire du I3c, B basse temperature, on a determine les conformations de plusieurs $nones protonkes. On a utilisk les informations relatives aux conformations dans 1'6tat fondarnental pour comprendre les differences observkes lors de la photochimie de ces systkmes. On a CtudiC les photo-isomCrisations des composks 4 et 5. Dans le cas du compose 4, I'irradiation ne conduit qu'B la formation de l'isomere-Z (16); on n'observe pas de formation du dihydrofuranne proton6 13. Dans le cas du composk 5, on observe la formation de I'isom6re-Z 17 ainsi que celle du dihydrofuranne proton6 14. La formation du dihydrofuranne 14 commence des le dtbut de la rkaction. Sur la base de ces resultats et d'autres obtenus anterieurement, on en conclut que la photo-isomerisation ne peut se produire que si le cation de depart existe dans la conformation s-cis, B l'etat fondarnental.[Traduit par la revue]Protonated enones and their oxygen alkylated analogues undergo a variety of photoisomerizations upon irradiation (1). The primary photoreactions of the acyclic cations are E / Z isomerizations about their C=C and C=O partial double bonds (2). A second type of reaction, occurring with systems containing an isopropyl group at the (3-position, is cyclization to form a protonated dihydrofuran (3). These reactions are illustrated in Scheme 1. All of these photoisomerizations of protonated enones involve T,T* excited states.One feature of the cyclization reaction of 1 is that ring closure has been shown to take place only from the 2-2 i~o m e r ,~ 2. A 'Author to whom correspondence may be addressed. 2~o facilitate comparison a common, nonsystematic numbering system for enones has been used, with the carbonyl carbon always being C1, and a and P carbons, C2 and C3, respectively (see figures). mechanism that could account for this observation would involve hydrogen abstraction by oxygen from the y position. Such a 1,Shydrogen abstraction reaction would parallel that commonly found in the photoreactions of unprotonated enones (4). However, deuterium labelling experiments showed that such a p...