Compounds with ordered and interconnected channels have
multifunctional applications in technological fields. In this work,
we report the intrinsic- and Eu3+-activated luminescence
in NbAlO4 with a wide channel structure. NbAlO4 is an n-type semiconductor with an indirect allowed transition and
a band-gap energy of 3.26 eV. The conduction band and valence band
are composed of Nb 3d and O 2p states, respectively. Unlike the common
niobate oxide Nb2O5, NbAlO4 exhibits
efficient self-activated luminescence with good thermal stability
even at room temperature. The AlO4 tetrahedron effectively
blocks the transfer/dispersion of excitation energy between NbO6 chains in NbAlO4, allowing for effective self-activated
luminescence from NbO6 activation centers. Moreover, Eu3+-doped NbAlO4 displayed a bright red luminescence
of 5D0 → 7F2 transition
at 610 nm. The site-selective excitation and luminescence of Eu3+ ions in a spectroscopic probe were utilized to investigate
the doping mechanism. It is evidenced that Eu3+ is doped
in the structure channel in NbAlO4 lattices, not in the
normal cation sites of Nb5+ or Al3+. The experimental
findings are valuable in developing new luminescent materials and
improving the understanding of the material’s channel structure.