In addition to the known effect of substrate on interfacial properties of perovskite films, here we show that bulk properties of Hybrid Lead Halide Perovskite films depend on the type of substrate used for film growth. Despite the relative large film thickness, ~600 nm, the roughness and nature of the substrate layer (glass, FTO, TiO 2 and PEDOT:PSS) affect not just the degree of preferential orientation and crystal grain size Raman peaks.The irreversible photoluminescence enhancement observed at low power with illumination time, also dependent on the substrate nature, is proposed to be due to the localization of the electron-hole excitons created in the vicinity of the light generated defects. The results shed light into the performance of the perovskite layer and help understanding how bulk processes, where ion migration is a conspicuous example, are severely affected by interfacial properties as those imposed by the substrate.