The problem of the electronic excitation energy transfer in liquids and solids is among the basic ones in condensed matter physics [1,2]. Understanding of the energy transfer processes is important since they represent the intermediate step between the act of excitation and the process where the electron energy is put to use. The energy transfer can be mediated by quasiparticles or by the electromagnetic field. The lat ter process was first described by Förster [3]. He con sidered the energy transfer caused by weak dipoledipole interaction between the donor and acceptor, the process called fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). Later Dexter [4] generalized Förster's theory for the case of higher multipole and exchange interactions. The further development of the Förster-Dexter theory involved the inclusion of vari ous complicating factors and determination of its validity limits [1].Electron excitation energy transfer in nanostruc tures promising for both fundamental physics and applications is currently of main interest. In nano structures, quasiparticles can tunnel through a poten tial barrier of a finite width separating constituent nanoparticles. This process is actively studied both theoretically and experimentally [5][6][7][8][9]. The Förster-Dexter energy transfer between quantum dots (QDs) was analyzed theoretically in [10] and investigated experimentally in [11][12][13][14][15]. A decrease in the photolu minescence (PL) intensity and an increase in the PL decay rate were observed for the QDs acting as donors, and an increase in the PL intensity was observed for the QDs acting as acceptors. It was shown that the effi ciency of the energy transfer between the QDs can be fairly high, exceeding 50%, and depends on the spac ing between the QDs. When the spacing is larger than about 10 nm, the energy transfer between the QDs no longer takes place.The properties of composite structures consisting of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and QDs have been actively investigated in recent years. These structures are interesting as a playground for studying novel phys ical phenomena. Furthermore, they will possibly find numerous applications, e.g., in optoelectronics, pho togalvanics, and photovoltaics [16,17]. One of the main topics in the studies of such composite structures is the energy transfer between the two constituents, of which one can act as the donor and the other as the acceptor.Here, we study experimentally the electronic exci tation energy transfer between cadmium sulfide QDs and CNTs.To study energy transfer, samples with CdS QDs deposited onto a CNT layer were fabricated in the fol lowing way. Arrays of vertically oriented CNTs on sin gle crystalline Si(100) substrates were synthesized by chemical decomposition of a toluene/ferrocene reac tive mixture at 820°C as described in [18]. Cadmium sulfide QDs deposited onto CNTs were synthesized by the Langmuir-Blodgett method [19]. In order to pas sivate the surface and increase the PL intensity of the QDs, they were annealed in an ammonia atmosphere at 200°C [...