The size dependence of the contribution to the excitonic dephasing rate in semiconductor nanocrystals is clarified for various electron-phonon coupling mechanisms. On the basis of these dependencies, the commonly observed linearly temperature-dependent term of the excitonic dephasing rate and the proportionality of its magnitude to the inverse square of the nanocrystal size are attributed to pure dephasing due to deformation-potential coupling. The calculated coefficients of the linearly temperature-dependent term are quantitatively in good agreement with the experimental results on CdSe and CuCl nanocrystals.PACS numbers: 78.66. Li, 71.35.+Z, 73.20.Dx Semiconductor nanocrystals of a size comparable to or smaller than the exciton Bohr radius in bulk material are attracting much attention from the fundamental physics viewpoint and from the interest in the application to functional devices. Especially their novel optical properties due to the discrete electronic energy levels have been investigated extensively [1,2]. In semiconductor nanocrystals, not only the electronic energy levels but also the lattice vibrational modes become discrete due to the threedimensional confinement. The consequences of the latter feature, namely, the phonon confinement, are now being studied extensively. The longitudinal optical (LO) phonons in semiconductor nanocrystals were observed by the resonance Raman scattering [3-5] and the size dependence of the electron-LO-phonon coupling strength was discussed [4]. Also the size-quantized acoustic phonon modes were observed by the low-frequency Raman scattering [6].Recently, in addition to these studies, the excitonic dephasing in various semiconductor nanocrystals has been measured as a function of nanocrystal size and temperature. In CuCl nanocrystals, the homogeneous linewidth of the excitonic transition was measured from the luminescence linewidth under size-selective excitation [7] and by spectral hole burning [8]. In nanocrystals of II-VI compounds, the excitonic dephasing constant was measured by spectral hole burning [9-12] and by fourwave mixing [13,14]. The commonly observed T-(temperature-) linear behavior of the excitonic dephasing rate suggests the importance of the electron-phonon interaction with acoustic phonon modes, although the relevant temperature range is dependent on the nanocrystal size and the material. In the higher temperature region, the temperature dependence of the excitonic dephasing rate deviates from the 7Minear behavior, indicating the participation of LO phonons.In this Letter, we derive electron-phonon interactions with acoustic phonons in semiconductor nanocrystals and clarify the size dependence of the contribution to the excitonic dephasing rate for various electron-phonon coupling mechanisms, i.e., the deformation-potential coupling and the piezoelectric coupling. On the basis of these results, we identify the origin of the commonly observed T-linear term of the excitonic dephasing rate and of the proportionality of its magnitude to the inverse squar...