A series of arylallyl alcohols, where aryl = 2,6-dimethylphenyl, mesityl, duryl, orpentamethylphenyl, was prepared. On addition to strong acid, these generate arylallyl cations. In some cases these allyl cations are observable and were characterized as in situ solution species by nmr spectroscopy. In other cases, an immediate cyclization takes place, leading stereospecifically to a series of bicyclic trienyl cations, which were also thoroughly characterized. The stereochemistry of this cyclization reaction, which was initially expected to follow the "rules" for electrocyclic ring closures, was probed in some detail. It is tentatively concluded that the stereochemistry in the products is not that expected from a conrotatory ring closure. Two diarylmethyl cations were also prepared. However, these did not cyclize. Chem. 60,2993Chem. 60, (1982. On aprkpark une serie d'alcools arylallyliques ou le groupe aryl = dimethyl-2,6 phenyle, mesityle, duryle ou pentam6thylph6nyle. Ces alcools en presence d'acides forts produisent des cations arylallyles. Dans certains cas on observe ces cations allyles et on les caractkrise in situ en solution par la spectroscopie de rmn. Dans d'autres cas il se produit immkdiatement une cyclisation, qui conduit de f a~o n ster6osptcifique B des series de cations trienyles bicycliques que l'on a entiirement caract6risCs. On a etabli de f a~o n detaillee la sterkochimie de cette reaction de cyclisation, qui pensait-on devait suivre les rkgles de fermeture electrocyclique de cycles. On conclut que la steriochimie des produits n'est pas celle attendue d'une fermeture conrotatoire de cycle. On a egalement prepare deux cations diarylmtthyles. Toutefois ces cations ne se cyclisent pas.[Traduit par le journal] Introduction secondly, in the event that ring closure does occur, The pentadienyl + , cyclopentenyl (1 + , 11) cation what is the stereochemical outcome? The possible ring closure was first observed nearly 20 years ago reactions are summarized below, the numbers in (I), subsequently classified as an "electrocyclic" brackets referring to the above questions: closure by Woodward and Hoffmann (2) and then, using methyl-substituted derivatives of I of fixed geometry, shown (3) to follow the predicted conrotatory mode.