ONE year ago we inaugurated this series of review articles to make widely available the latest developments in the field of analysis. In that first group of articles the authors covered a five-year period. The theoretical or fundamental material was given in 29 articles in the January 1949 issue and the practical applications of new developments in various fields of specialization were reviewed in 11 articles in the February issue.The same general plan has been followed in the preparation of this second review except that only a one-year period, 1949, is covered. The fundamental developments are given in 27 articles on the following pages of this issue, and the practical applications will be written up in 11 articles in the February issue.Because we believe that these reviews contain valuable material for the analyst in his day to day work, a combined reprint of the 1949 articles comprising 260 pages was made up for ready reference. Copies of this reprint are still available at $1.50 per copy from the reprint department, AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Reprints of the reviews in the January and February 1950 issues will also be available at a later date. Advance orders at a price of $1.50 will be accepted.Once again we wish to call attention to the generous contributions of time and effort by the authors in making these reviews possible. Our sincere thanks and appreciation go to each and every one of them.