Voltage fluctuations are one of the most common problems in low-voltage networks. Very often, these disturbances cause damage to or the incorrect operation of electrical devices. Unfortunately, at present, the monitoring of these disturbances relies on short-term and long-term flicker indicators, which only assess the severity of one of the effects of voltage fluctuations. Another measure of voltage fluctuations that has greater diagnostic potential is voltage fluctuation indices, i.e., the amplitude and rate of voltage fluctuations. One advantage of these indices that has been highlighted in recent years is their potential ability to recreate voltage fluctuations using these indices. This article presents research results that allow for the verification of the potential of voltage fluctuation indices as a method for recreating voltage fluctuations. For verification purposes, various cases of voltage variation recorded in a modern low-voltage network are used. The analysis of the possibility of recreating voltage fluctuations from voltage fluctuation indices presented in this article, in association with previously carried out numerical simulation studies and experimental laboratory studies, constitutes a complementary whole and indicates further directions in voltage fluctuation research in terms of the electromagnetic compatibility of low-frequency conducted disturbances.