We investigate the shot noise generated by particle emission from a mesoscopic capacitor into an edge state reflected and transmitted at a quantum point contact (QPC). For a capacitor subject to a periodic voltage the resulting shot noise is proportional to the number of particles (both electrons and holes) emitted during a period. It is proportional to the product of transmission and reflection probability of the QPC independent of the applied voltage but proportional to the driving frequency. If two driven capacitors are coupled to a QPC at different sides then the resulting shot noise is maximally the sum of noises produced by each of the capacitors. However the noise is suppressed depending on the coincidence of the emission of two particles of the same kind. Of high interest are dynamic current quantization phenomena. This quantization is governed by the number of particles participating in the transport during some fixed time interval (e.g., the driving period of a pump [8]). A quantized dc current was experimentally observed in a Coulomb blockade turnstile [9], in a one-dimensional channel under the action of surface acoustic waves [10], and recently in a 1D channel subject to either two local potentials oscillating out of phase [11] or a single oscillating potential [12]. Importantly a quantized ac current generated by a quantum capacitor subject to large amplitude excitation was observed [13] and discussed [14,15].These phenomena deal with the measurement of single particle observables, like the current. We show in this Letter that the noise, essentially a two-particle phenomenon, can exhibit a quantization behavior as well.We consider the system, Fig. 1, consisting of two quantum capacitors connected to different linear edge states which in turn are coupled via a central quantum point contact (QPC). In the regime when either one of the quantum capacitors (or both) generate a quantized ac current [13] induced by an oscillating back-gate potential the shot noise, as we show, is quantized. If the transmission T α of a QPC connecting the capacitor α = L, R to the linear edge state is small, T α → 0, and the amplitude of the driving potential V α (t) = V α,0 + V α,1 cos(Ωt + ϕ α ) is large compared to the level spacing ∆ α then for small frequency n α = [2V α,1 /∆ α ] electrons (here [X] is the inte- ger part of X) and n α holes are emitted during a driving period T = 2π/Ω. We show that, if the emission of particles is not simultaneous, the zero-frequency correlator P 12 of currents flowing into the leads 1 and 2 iswhere N = 2n L + 2n R is the total number of particles (electrons and holes) emitted during a driving period, P 0 = (2e 2 /h)T C R Ch Ω, with T C , R C being transmission and reflection probabilities of the central QPC connecting the two linear edge states, see Fig. 1. Note that the noise produced by the source α alone is: P α,12 = −2n α P 0 . If two electrons (or two holes) emitted by different sources arrive at the central QPC at the same time then the noise will be suppressed. The difference δ...