We demonstrate that the transverse photovoltage pulses generated in the thin CuSe/Se semiconductor nanocomposite film irradiated by circularly and linearly polarized femtosecond laser beams have different durations indicating the dependence of the relaxation time of the photogenerated carriers on their spin. For the linearly polarized excitation beam, the photovoltage is a unipolar pulse that reverses polarity when the polarization azimuth changes sign, while its duration is polarization independent. For the left-and right-circularly polarized excitation beams, the photovoltage pulses are also unipolar having the same amplitude and duration but the opposite polarities. However, the temporal profile of the photoresponse changes drastically when the excitation beam is elliptically polarized. Specifically, it can be either a unipolar or bipolar pulse depending on the degree of the circular polarization of the excitation beam. We show that the observed helicity-sensitive temporal profile of the photoresponse originates from the interference of photocurrents generated in the subsurface layer of the film due to the linear and circular surface photogalvanic effects.The growing interest in the effects of chirality in the light-matter interaction has attracted attention to the photogalvanic effect that manifests itself as the generation of the polarization-sensitive dc current in noncentrosymmetric crystals. 1 In chiral media, the amplitude and direction of this photocurrent can be controlled by the degree of the circular polarization (helicity) of the excitation beam. 2 Such a "circular" photocurrent flows in opposite directions for the leftand right-circularly polarized excitation beams and may originate from the excitation and transport of the spin-polarized electrons. It is usually accompanied by the so-called linear photocurrent, which does not depend on the helicity of the excitation beam and is associated with spin-independent electron transport. Both circular and linear photocurrents can be observed in two-dimensional structures, in which the inversion symmetry is lifted by the interface. 3 The circular photocurrent has been extensively studied in gyrotropic bulk crystals [4][5][6][7][8] , quantum wells, two-dimensional materials, and thin films. [9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20] Generation of the circular and linear photocurrents in the vicinity of the interface can occur due to the surface photogalvanic effect (SPGE), which is associated with diffuse scattering of the