The F'"(r,n)Ps reaction has been st~idied by irradiating teflon samples ill the X-ray beam of a 25-Mev betatron and detecting the annihilation radiation emitted cluring the decay of the residual nuclei. The cross section shows maxima a t 10.6 (very small), 12.4, 14.0, lG.l, 17.2, and 19.3 RiIev. The peak a t 12.4 Mev is possibly duc to excitation of the last neutron in F1%ith only a s~nall disturbance of the core nucleons. The peaks a t 14.0 and 19.1 Mev are interpreted as the components of a split giant resonance, indicating an intrinsic ql~adrupole moment, Qo, of approsimately 0.30 X 10-?' cm? for I:19.He predicts the ratio, Eb/E,, of the two resonance energies to be 1.31. The 'Manuscript