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> REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < 1 Abstract-Simultaneous generation of microwave and millimeter-wave (mm-wave) signals is demonstrated experimentally using a 1310-nm Quantum Dot (QD) Distributed-Feedback (DFB) Laser. The reported technique is based on the period-1 dynamics and dualmode lasing induced in the laser device under external optical injection. Tunability of the generated microwave and mm-wave signals is obtained. Furthermore, abrupt switching between different frequency regimes in the microwave and mm-wave bands is also observed. These novel frequency switching mechanisms added to the tuning capability of the system offers exciting prospects for novel uses of QD lasers in ultra-high frequency applications. Our approach also benefits from a simple experimental configuration using basic optical fibre components making our technique totally compatible with optical telecommunication networks.