The oxidation of di-t-butyl peroxide has been investigated in a static system a t low conversion a t 124' C with sufficient oxygen present t o suppress completely the formation of methane and ethane. T h e decolllposition of the t-butoxy radical is unaffected by the presence of oxygen. A major product of the oxidation is formaldehyde whose yield rapidly approaches a stationary value. I t is postulated t h a t the major source of formaldehyde is the decomposition of methyl peroxy radicals, which may also abstract hydrogen from formaldehyde to form methyl hydroperoxide, and that this competition leads to the stationary concentration of formaldehyde actually observed. Methyl hydroperoxide was demonstrated t o be unstable in the system and the predominant decomposition product: was methanol, a compound also found in high yields in the oxidation. Experiments with added formaldehyde-C13 showed that formaldehyde can be converted to carbon n~oiloxide in the system and indicated that formaldehyde was a likely precursor to the carbon monoxide found in the oxidation.
INTRODUCTIONT h e pyrolysis of di-t-butyl peroxide (DTBP) provides a particularly coilveilient source of methyl radicals because of the high activation energy (I) required for the abstraction of hydrogen from that compound. Raley et al. (2) used this method to study the oxidation of methyl radicals but their reactions were carried t o large conversions. T h e experin~ents reported by Bose (3) were also done a t high conversion. The present study was undertaken to extend this work to !ower (<5%) coi~versioi~s and to investigate the effect of conversion on the rates of production of the inajor products. The role of formaldehyde as a hydrogen donor in the photooxidation of azomethaile has been iilvestigated previously in this laboratory (4, 5, 6). Experiments are reported in which formaldehyde-C13 was added to the reactailts in the present systein to investigate this point further.
E X P E R I M E N T A LMost of the apparatus was the same as that described in a previous communication (1). A reactioil was started by expanding a mixture of oxygen and D T B P from a preheater held a t 80" C, where pressures could be measured on a quartz spiral gauge, to the Pyrex reaction vessel (volume, 550 ml) the temperature of which could be held to within 0.1" C.Analyses were made for carbon monoxide, acetone, methanol, and formaldehyde; the yields of methane and ethane were vanishingly small. Formaldehyde, oxygen, and carbon monoxide were separated from the liquid products (acetone, methanol, and unreacted DTBP) by passage through a trap held a t -130" C. Formaldehyde was condensed in a second trap a t -196" C and the permanent gases were transferred to a tube containing a mixture of copper and cupric oxide where the carbon monoxide was oxidized a t 270" C. T h e liquid products were analyzed by gas chromatography on a 10-ft column containing 25% dinonyl phthalate and 5% glycerol on Fisher Columpalc (30-60 mesh). With a hydrogen flow rate of 45 ml/minute a t 29" C appe...