I965 (1983). Irrz~diation of a sulfuric acitl solution of 9,IO-anthraccnctlionc with ncar-uv light gcncratcd 2-l1ydroxy-9,lO-anth1~accncdionc as thc major product. In addition. thc I-hydroxy and polyhydroxy dcl.ivntivcs and thc rcduction products anthronc and bianthronyl wcrc also formcd. Thc yiclds of thcsc minor products wcrc markcdly influcncctl by thc concentrations of water and oxygcn in thc sulfuric acid. At low light intcnsitics, oxygcn qucnchctl thc cfficicnt formation of thc hydroxyanthraccncdioncs and also oxidiscd thc initial quinonc rcduction products. Photorctluction of thc anthraccncdionc and photooxidation of anthronc occurrcd si~nultancously in thc solution. l'hc rcaction mechanism is morc cornplcx than prcvious studics indicatcd.A. DOUGL.AS BROADBENT ct JOHN M . STEWART. Can. J. Chcm. 61, 1965 (1983. L'irradiation dc I'anthrackncdionc-9.10. cn solution dans I'acidc sulfuriquc avcc unc lumikrc clu prochc uv conduit i la formation dc I'hydroxy-2 anthrackncdionc-9.10 commc produit mqjoritairc. Dc plus, il sc formc dgalcmcnt I'hydroxy-I, Ics ddrivds polyhydroxy ct lcs produits de In rdduction dc l'anthronc et du bi~unthrony Ic. Lcs I-cndcmcnts dc ccs produits sccondaircs sont fortcmcnt influcncCs par la concentration cn cau ct en oxygknc dans I'acidc sulfuriquc. Lorsqu'on utilisc unc lurnikrc dc faiblc intcnsitd, l'oxygknc bloquc la formation cfficacc des hydroxyanthrackncdioncs ct oxydc dgalcmcnt Ics produits initiaux dc la rdduction dc la quinonc. La photorCduction dc I'anthrackncdionc ct la photoxydation de I'anthronc sc produiscnt simultanCrncnt cn solution. LC n~dcanisn~e dc la rdnction cst plus complcxc quc nc I'indiqucnt Ics dtudcs antdricurcs.[Traduit par Ic journal] Introduction Although sulfuric acid is a widely used and excellent solvent for 9,IO-anthracenedione and its derivatives ( I), little is known about photochemical reactions of these compounds in this solvent. lrradiation of a 100% sulfuric acid solution of 9,10-anthracenedione-2-sulfonate, with near-uv light, has been reported to produce only 2-hydroxy-9.10-anthracenedione sulfonates, with no I-hydroxy derivatives (2). Total regioselectivity was also found in the similar photochemical reaction of the unsubstiti~ted 9.10-anthracenedione (OAO). which was claimed to yield 2-hydroxy-9,lO-anthracenedione (2-HO-OAO) as the sole product (3). Observation of well-defined isosbestic points in a series of uv spectra of a progressively irradiated solution indicated a clean, efficient reaction. No differences in reaction rate were noted between preparative experiments using nitrogen or air bubbling. The lack of oxygen influence on the photochemical reaction of O A O in sulfuric acid was apparently confirmed by subsequent studies (4), in which I-hydroxy-(I-HO-OAO) and 1,4-dihydroxy-9,lOanthracenedione (quinizarin) were also isolated in addition to the major 2-HO-OAO.Changes in the product distribution during the reaction suggested that the initially formed I-HO-OAO underwent a subsequent photochemical hydroxylation reaction yielding quinizari...