In this study, we examined the influence of an external electric field applied in two directions: horizontal (X-axis) and vertical (Y-axis) on the electronic and vibrational properties of a field-effect molecular switch, denoted as M. We employed density functional theory and quantum theory of atoms in molecules for this analysis. The current−voltage (I−V) characteristic curve of molecular switch system M was computed by applying the Landauer formula. The results showed that the switching mechanism depends on the direction of the electric field. When the electric field is applied along the X-axis and its intensity is around 0.01 au, OFF/ON switching mechanisms occur. By utilizing electronic localization functions and localized-orbital locator topological analysis, we observed significant intramolecular electronic charge transfer "back and forth" in Au−M−Au systems when compared to the isolated system. The noncovalent interaction revealed that the Au−M−Au complex is also stabilized by electrostatic interactions. However, if the electric field is applied along the Y-axis, a switching mechanism (OFF/ON) occurs when the electric field intensity reaches 0.008 au. Additionally, the local electronic phenomenological coefficients (L elec ) of this field-effect molecular switch were determined by using the Onsager phenomenological approach. It can also be predicted that the molecular electrical conductance (G) increases as L elec increases. Finally, the electronic and vibrational properties of the proposed models M and Au−M−Au exhibit a powerful switching mechanism that may potentially be employed in a new generation of electronic devices.